Our values


Our values




Corporate Social Responsability

Orange Marine commits to its stakeholders by offering a quality service compliant to ethical and deontological values, while assuring its staff safe and healthy work conditions.

Corporate policy

Our corporate objectives

  • work with our employees to continuously optimize our organization
  • be vectors of core values of Human Rights in respect of individuals and their privacy on the international stage
  • manage our business responsibly and fairly, with integrity and honesty, in accordance with all applicable laws, in respect of persons, the overall quality of service and environment

Our commitment to responsible business

  • we communicate internally on our policy, objectives, methods and share the feedback from our operational experience at sea
  • our actions are guided by ethical values and professional ethics, we adopt a policy of zero tolerance for corruption on all our activities.
  • we implement risk management and respect our customers, our employees, our partners and all other stakeholders of our company

Management system

Our objectives of sustainable management

  • develop the Quality Safety Environment management system to fully integrate all activities of the company
  • implement continuous improvement in all our activities
  • sustain our know-how and expand our expertise

Our commitments to manage according to the ISO

  • we integrate compulsory, quality, safety, environment requirements in all work procedures
  • we plan our activities, analyze our results and use the experience feedback for optimal efficiency
  • we formalize our working practices and anticipate the required training to maintain full operational qualification

Relations with customers, partners and providers

Our objectives of business excellence

  • provide the best service to meet the explicit and implicit requirements of our customers
  • plan and control the operational and business risks
  • develop sustainable partnerships with companies of our sector and foster mutually beneficial relationships with carriers using our services

Our commitments towards our customers, partners and providers

  • we strive to listen permanently to our customers  and exploit any opportunity of service improvements
  • we establish standards to anticipate managerial decisions facing events or contingencies
  • we establish a fair partnership with our suppliers

Orange Marine’s men and women

Our social objectives

  • protect the health and ensure the safety of our employees
  • ensure equitable treatment of persons regardless of their gender, origin or status and make our multi-culture the driving force in our company’s transformation
  • improve the quality of life and well-being at work

Our commitments towards our employees

  • we implement sensitivity training about safety rules and instructions, and we plan the prevention of risks and accidents on land and at sea
  • we work together with our various experiences, sailors and technicians, all mobilized by common goals
  • we provide a safe and healthy work environment, involving employees and their representatives

Our environmentally caring company

Our environmental objectives

  • reduce our energy consumption and their  impact on the environment and global resources
  • consider the potential impact of our activities on the environment of the company and preserve it from any pollution
  • plan the means to control risks and accidents related to our infrastructures

Our commitments to control impacts on our environment

  • we adapt the transit speed of our vessels and integrate energy savings in the design of new ships
  • we limit emissions and harmful aspects of our activities both maritime and terrestrial
  • we regularly test the efficiency of the safety and security plans on the sites and ships

Our economic reliability

Our financial objectives

  • stay at the forefront of major installation and maintenance contracts projects
  • seize opportunities for development for a sustainable and responsible business growth
  • earn the trust of our investors

Our economic commitments

  • we maintain an active business and competitive intelligence to develop our attractive and competitive assets
  • we develop our service offers in the growing markets, such as offshore and renewable energy
  • we control our budget process to keep improving our financial balance

Orange Marine sites (headquarter, cable ships and marine bases) are all certified ISO 9001 and 14001, international standards for quality of service and environmental management. Orange Marine and its vessels are also certified ISM (International Safety Management), international maritime code of the security management.