Experts labs

Experts labs

Orange Marine experts, working in marine bases, develop and always improve core services.

Core services:

  • jointing methods
  • testing activities
  • cable works tools and methods
  • submarine vehicles operation and maintenance
  • electronics, computing and radio navigation support

The skills of our experts

Orange Marine experts are available 24 hours a day to provide technical and methodological support to teams working on installation or maintenance operations. The experts provide vocational training to the different operators:

  • jointing teams – initial training and ongoing qualification
  • cable works technicians – tools and methods training
  • testing – OTDR and ISR training

Each expert is responsible for supplies, so as to provide the operational teams with the equipment required for operations 7 days a week. This is particularly important for repair operations, as the ship shall sail within 24 hours from the client’s official request.

To offer a state-of-the-art quality of service, Orange Marine experts carry out a continuous technology watch.

Orange Marine also proposes expert services in the design, construction and operation of submarine vehicles through its department SIMEC. The synergy between SIMEC designers and Orange Marine experts, team leaders and pilots represents an asset for continuous improvement of the vehicles.

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